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What's New In Power RT 4

Power RT4
Click image to enlargePower RT 4

Packed with new features, more data, and an updated user interface, Power RT is better than ever with version 4.

Key New Features:

Take a moment to learn about these new features, or go straight to Power RT 4 now.

Log in to the new Power RT
PANELS menu - Save Workspace
PANELS menu - Save Workspace

Movable Panel Based Layout

Size and arrange your different windows then save your workspace by accessing the PANELS menu and select Save Workspace. The next time you login the windows will be in the same configuration.

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Data grid
Click image to enlargeGeneration Data Grid -
This image shows an example of a custom filter called “ERCOT Plants Ramping Up”. The filter is defined as region=ERCOT and Change MW > 0. The chart shows all the natural gas units that are ramping right now.

Real-Time charts and data grids

The real-time data grids have several new features. Try these out.

  • Sort columns by clicking the column name ascending or descending.
  • Select the checkbox in the left most column to chart the data for the past day, 4 days or week.
  • Mouse over the hyperlink name and the quick chart panel shows the last 4 days for that facility.
  • Click on the icon and zoom the map to that facility.
  • Click the filter icon to create and save a custom filter.
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Map icon hover and 4 day quickchart
Click image to enlargeMap icon hover and 4 day quickchart.

Hover Over Map Icons

The most used feature in the new release is the mouse hover. Quickly assess current market conditions by hovering over facilities on the map, the alert box or data grids and the Quick Chart shows the last 4 days of data.

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Line Flows data grid and map
Click image to enlargeLine Flows data grid and map showing transmission lines.

Over 1500 Transmission Lines Power Flows Available

Upgrade your visibility on real-time power flows and congestion by adding on the Transmission RT model.

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Data grid filter
Click image to enlargeFilters - ERCOT natural gas plants ramping up.

Custom Filtering On Data Grids And Maps

Both the data grids and the map now have custom filtering capabilities. You can even apply multiple filters together to construct complex “OR” filters. This example shows ERCOT units ramping OR natural gas fired units.

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Custom transmission alerts preview
Click image to enlargeLIne details page showing Custom alerts preview

Custom Transmission Alerts Preview

Go to the details screen for a transmission line and select Add Alert below the chart. Select the type of alert threshold and a slider bar appears to show a range of historical values for that facility. Move the slider or type in a value to see a preview of how often the alert condition would have been met in the chart above. Save your alert by pressing the green save button.

You can manage your alerts by enabling/disabling or deleting them from the Manage Alerts page.

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Log In page - single user log in
Click image to enlargeLog In page - single user log in

Single Log In Per User

In order to provide greater security around the services you purchase from Genscape and to provide more personalized and custom functions only one active session per user ID is allowed. If you receive this message please contact customer service to set up another user ID or to reset your password.

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